Prevent Over-the-Air attacks on your subscribers. It benefits your bottom-line.
Since the advent of telecoms, hackers have had an abundance of techniques to penetrate, phish, capture and fraud subscribers globally. Mobile Network Operators are – shall we say – always fighting off new, and constant attacks.
Questions and Answers from the MWL webinar SS7 Vulnerabilities (part 2)
After the successful Mobile World Live webinar SS7 Vulnerabilities – A threat that cannot remain ignored we decided to publish some of the unanswered questions with proper answers and this article has received great interest. Now it’s time for the rest of the questions (and answers) from the Q&A session with Kevin Panzavecchia. Q: Have […]
Questions and Answers from the MWL webinar SS7 Vulnerabilities (part 1)
It’s been more than a week since our webinar about SS7 Vulnerabilities went live so we’ve taken the time to answer all the questions we ran out of time to answer live at the Q&Asession. As we mentioned in the wrap up post the number of questions was way too big to answer all of […]
Wrap up of the MWL webinar SS7 Vulnerabilities
Last week Tuesday, 26.09 together with GSMA’s Mobile World Live we presented the webinar SS7 Vulnerabilities – a threat that cannot remain ignored. According to the information received from the MWL Team cooperating with us, we gathered over 240 attendees which is a satisfactory number. At the same time, it also shows that expert knowledge […]
SS7 vulnerabilities tackled at FASG #5
It was a great pleasure to welcome some of the leading experts from across the mobile telecommunications sector to Malta, to discuss some of the industry’s most pressing issues at the fifth GSMA Fraud and Security Group (FASG) meeting last week. While our island is a great source of pride (and there were plenty of […]
Signaling for change: can the latest SS7 exploits lead to a more secure mobile future?
The revelation that US Congressman, Ted Lieu, consensually had his phone hacked by a German security researcher on the current affairs TV show 60 Minutes caused ripples throughout the world and telecoms media in particular. That it was possible to record conversations and monitor any movements seems to have taken the world by surprise, but […]