Chapter 3| The crucial advantages A2P has over OTT

Over-the-top messaging services – Whatsapp, WeChat etc – are clearly incredibly popular with consumers..

Although their initial growth was spurred on by cost-effectiveness – messages are, of course, largely free to send with an internet connection – their popularity also stems from aspects like security, anonymity, group creation and connectivity, multimedia messaging simplicity and fantastic UX.

However, for A2P, that growth in usage hasn’t been quite so stellar – and it is for the following reasons that we believe A2P SMS will still continue to outpace OTT business messaging in growth. And while the last two issues we have noted above are largely negative, for OTT, at HAUD, we believe growth through increased market share of A2P messaging present a massive opportunity for MNOs.

For a start, there is universality. Every mobile phone user can receive an SMS, meaning brands don’t have to persuade customers to download another app to their phone, nor do their customers have to be connected and online to receive them. A phone signal without mobile data will still suffice.

Secondly, and because of the universality and the proven safety of the channel, the engagement level for customers is extremely high. Research shows 98% of customers receiving a legitimate A2P SMS will open it.

Acting against OTT, there are still concerns around its safety and security. The 2020 hack at Twitter which saw high profile accounts – like former US President Barack Obama and and President Joe Biden’s – taken over so fraudulent messages could be sent in an apparent Bitcoin scandal is a case in point. 

As well as account hijacking, across social media channels, fears surround account authentication methods and scam-catalysing issues like ID-spoofing and message manipulation and social engineering.

Next Chapter

In the next chapter we look at why now is the time for A2P SMS

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