Chapter 4| A Pivotal moment for A2P SMS
Overall what we are seeing, then, is an industry vertical facing a pivotal moment. If, together, those with an interest in securing a lucrative future for SMS A2P take action now, then the opportunity to 10X revenues from the channel are certainly there. But if collectively we don’t, then this could be the start of […]

Chapter 5|Building your revenue supercharger
The idea behind Messaging Revenue Optimisation is simple – the application somewhat harder – yet delivering this strategy is something do-able by every MNO we work with. At its core it combines two key elements – Revenue Defence and Revenue Creation – coupled with the human expertise needed to monitor the traffic data, analyse it, […]

Chapter 6|Revenue Defence
Let’s start with revenue defence – as visibility and control are the key to the delivery of the overall strategy and are the logistical first step given what we just said about latest technology firewalls. We’ve referenced this already, but deploying a next generation, managed, firewall ought to be the first step for any MNO […]

Chapter 7|Revenue Creation
Revenue Creation is really about a couple of things. Firstly, ensuring you maximise the true market value of the messages you help deliver to end users, and that you utilise a mix of operational and strategic levers to achieve this. Secondly, it’s about having the capability to invent new business models, build additional relationships, and […]

Chapter 8|Take control of your messaging revenues
As we said at the outset of this ebook, the intention is to share what we at HAUD believe is the best strategy on the market for MNO’s to optimise their revenue from A2P messaging. It’s an opportunity MNO’s have to both secure existing revenue in greater quantities, and to build a future-proof A2P monetization […]